Following Corin’s acquisition of OMNI Life Sciences earlier in March, AAOS 2019 was the first opportunity for us to share the combined company’s product and technology solutions, outlining how Corin is the only player in the market to be able to functionally align both hip and knee replacement.
OMNIBotics® is a state-of-the-art solution that combines specialised tools and patented technology with advanced robotics and real-time data to help surgeons place and fit knee implants in line with their patient’s functional anatomy with greater accuracy compared to conventional approaches.
Our knee robotic technology perfectly complements our Optimized Positioning System™ (OPS™) solution for the hip. OPS™ identifies a unique target orientation for the acetabulum as well as personalised analysis of the femur to reconstruct both leg length and offset. These target orientations are calculated from a dynamic pre-operative functional simulation, which accounts for the patient’s physiological profile throughout a range of daily activities.
Below are a collection of our favourite images from the week. We look forward to helping you to improve patients lives throughout 2019 and beyond.